Paraffin Microtome
Microtomes are used for high precision cutting of embedded tissue samples for viewing under a microscope. Paraffin microtomes are specifically designed for histologists and pathologists using wax-embedded tissue, and Labec offers a range of paraffin microtome machine styles, including automatic, semi-auto rotary and rotary/manual.
What is a paraffin microtome?
A microtome is an instrument used for high precision cutting of embedded tissue samples for viewing under a microscope. Paraffin microtomes are specifically designed for histologists and pathologists using wax-embedded tissue.
What are some advantages of using a paraffin microtome?
Paraffin sections are more stable and generally superior to standard frozen sections in retaining tissue structure.
How does a paraffin microtome work in tissue sectioning?
A paraffin microtome dehydrates tissue before infiltrating it with wax. It then cuts thin slices of the tissue for viewing under a microscope.
What factors should I consider when choosing a paraffin microtome for my laboratory?
Labec offers paraffin microtome equipment ranging from rotary/manual through to semi-auto rotary and fully automatic. All three possess unique specifications to consider. Additionally, give thought to the materials you will be using in your research, your knowledge in configuring the microtome for optimal use, and the level of automation that will suit your needs.