Cooled Temperature Baths
Where laboratory procedures require a consistent, low temperature (such as in trial samples), cooled water temperature baths are necessary. Labec cooled temperature bath equipment can achieve stable temperatures as low as -40°C and up to 100°C, operating with a CFC-free refrigeration system.
What is a cooled temperature bath?
A cooled temperature bath is a stainless steel container filled with a liquid mixture to maintain below-ambient temperatures.
What is a cooled temperature bath machined used for in a lab?
A cooled temperature bath machine is used in laboratories to maintain low temperatures.
What is the temperature of a cooling bath?
These baths typically range from a max temperature of around 85°C down to -5°C.
How does a cooled temperature bath maintain low temperatures for sensitive samples or experiments?
Cooled temperature baths work by transferring heat away from the immersed object. The cool liquid absorbs heat from the sample or reaction vessel which keeps its temperature low.
This works best when the chosen coolant has a high capacity to absorb heat while remaining liquid at the desired temperature range. The container holding the bath solution is also often insulated to minimise heat being transferred from the surrounding environment.