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    Vacc-Safe Vaccine Refrigerators

    VS350 | VS350P | VS420P | VS750P | VS1006P

    Vacc-SAfe Medical refrigerators are suitable for storing vaccines, medicines and laboratory products between 2°C and 8°C in pharmacies, hospitals, medical clinics and laboratories. Strong cooling airflow from the top to the bottom, works as an air curtain to block the external hot air from entering the refrigerator when door is opened to prevent the temperature in the cabinet from rising rapidly. This also contributes to better temperature uniformity performance with variations less than 2°C.

    Key Features:

    • 2-8°C Pharmacy Refrigerator.
    • Strong Cooling Airflow.
    • Built-in Air Duct.
    • Improved Cooling Performance.
    • DC Turbo Fan.
    • Increased Product Lifespan.
    • High Precision Temperature Control.
    • Heated Doors.
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