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    Plant Growth Chamber

    BPC300H | BPC500H | BPC800H | BPC1000H | BPC1600H | BPC2000H

    -10°C Lights OFF /+3°C Lights ON to +45°C

    30%RH to 90%RH
    Optional CO2: Ambient-3000/5000ppm

    Labec New Plant Growth Chambers are specifically designed for plant growth light quality studies and other experiments requiring specific wavelengths or full-spectrum wavelengths of light, capable of achieving extreme conditions of temperature, lighting levels, and humidity. The product is well suited for research applications requiring a high level of control in a relatively small footprint. In addition to customizable environmental control parameters, options are also available for growth height and gas levels.

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    Temp. Range: -10/+3℃ to 45℃ (Lights ON/OFF)
    Humidity Range: 30%RH to 90%RH (Lights ON/OFF)
    Light intensity can be regulated through controller from 0 to 300μmol/m²/s
    Temp. & Hum. Sensor: Equipped with VAISALA HMP60
    Programmable Interactive Control system with 7″ Touch Screen
    Equipped with smart phone APP remote control system
    Fresh Air System: Equipped with fresh air system
    Layers: 4 (modular shelves)



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